i know a fireman (who looks after the fire)
It happens! No worries.

Geneva listened attentively, her ears straining to point directly upward without her even noticing. The gray wolfess was an informational sponge. She lived to expand her knowledge, finding that facts and figures were one of her greatest joys in life. She loved to learn new things, especially about packmates. Abstract information was one thing, but having a living, breathing source of information with a history was something else entirely. In secret, Geneva didn't just love facts. She loved stories too, and each of her packmates had his or her own. She loved to listen.

"I never heard of a land before this one," she said thoughtfully. She hadn't ventured very far from Crimson Dreams borders, except on a few occasions. To date, the longest distance she had traveled had been to the city. She tried to remember if she had overheard anyone talk about Storm before, but realized she hadn't. "Could you tell me about Storm?" she asked, and there were a million other questions in her voice. Was that were Naniko had come from? What had life been like? Why establish a new pack at all? She waited patiently to hear his answer.

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