I am just as fucked as you

indent There were words, several words, but Ahren didn’t understand them all. He felt as though his body and his mind were traveling away from each other, as if he was outside on the street rather then sitting next to his ruined friend. They were both ruined, though; they were both mistakes and fuck ups. Shuddering against the cold, he drew smoke in his lungs and opened his eyes, unable to deal with the spinning sensation and the vertigo.
indent Out into the air went the smoke, and even though he could have made a fire, should have made a fire, the thought never came. He watched the scarred man (a stranger, his brother) move in the dark. Faintly, the snaggle-toothed wolf smiled, though it didn’t reach his eyes. One arm hooked around Laruku’s shoulder, and he drew the hybrid in. Ahren sniffed the air in, feeling a deep ache in his arm. “Can’t ever get what we want,” he coughed, sucking down another breath. “Once you do it just goes away.”


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