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Somewhere between the fence and the house, Salem realised his grandmother had caught up with him. Her question provoked such an exasperated can't you tell!? look from him that he almost felt a pang of guilt and regret for it out of fear he'd get reprimanded, but he only persisted in running a little faster. “C-c-c-c,” was all that he chattered out, failing to form his lips around the word cold without his baby teeth chattering together violently. So instead, she was stuck with a garbled sounding “cuh.”

If he could have, he would have taken the porch steps out two at a time, but at best with cold feet, he hobbled up them like a cripple running from the other direction from a tsunami. But the relief was practically immediate when his feet hit the covered wood of the porch, even though they still stung like the dickens. But to his misfortunate and lack of strength, he couldn't push the door open. He wriggled, he hopped, and eventually prepared to wedge himself right up underneath Soran the moment she was close enough again to do so, teeth chattering between shivers.


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