but i'm learning to live without
PROZACSnothing wrong with short.

PROZACSAs the stranger's smile faded, abruptly and without warning, the sturdy gray wolf wondered if he'd said something wrong -- and as it turned out, he had. Salvaged Eternity was dead. In Tsunami's mind, he was dead, regardless of whether or not his physical body was actually festering in the ground. A demon such as him deserved worse, but Tsunami had never been able to overpower him, or stop him, no matter how he had wanted to. For a long time, after growing up alone and learning of the green-eyed monster's deeds from the late Ceres Sadira, Tsunami had wondered if he could be like that. He did, after all, hear voices. Or more specifically, one particular one who enjoyed mocking him and encouraging him to do the wrong thing while she stood there and laughed. And he had killed his first lover. So what if it had been justified -- it had been an act of Satan either way. What was that saying? Two wrongs didn't make a right? He had said that to Laruku once, when they had been falling apart. Life. Funny, funny sadistic thing.

PROZACSBut the creature's legacy lived on. Yeah, was Tsunami's wary reply. It had always been a wish of his to eradicate his father from the earth's surface, so that nobody would ever have to dwell on his memory again. You know him? There was no hint of his scent on the borders of the pack, and there was nobody screaming in his mind that yes, there were reasons to stay away. The battlescarred wolf could feel the Shadows' member's eyes scanning him, searching for answers, and it was only then that he made the mental connection. It may or may not have been true, but there was every possibility. Green -- like Chael, like Hale, like Salvaged himself. Green eyes, and this Jaded Shadows male standing before him had them.


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