Stay away from Juliet
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She's got colors to spare and i don't care what they choose

     Firefly then must have felt guilt, or obligation, or she had simply learned to control her tongue and temper. It pleased Cercelee to know the vixen had been polite to Ember, not because Ember couldn’t live without her sister, Cercelee did not feel family members were all important. Only that it made living with Firefly and acknowledging her place in the pack easier. Cercelee cared for Ember as a friend, and one of the few family members she would recognize as such, it was important Firefly respected her Rosea’s attachment to the sable lady. It would probably make Ember’s life easier as well.

     Yet Firefly and her actions were still troubling. The words soaked into Cercelee’s ears and she could ignore the question, but started her answer with a deep sigh. "We are all cousins. Haku’s father was Lisichka? Adrastos’ and Iskata’s brother." Cercelee didn’t have to dig hard for her uncle’s name, though she had never met him, only a brother named after the male. The name stuck in her head. "I don’t know much about genetics.. but I’ve heard, children like that may be at risk." It was hard to say, impossible to tell, until the children were born into the world. With Haku’s and Firefly’s behavior it wouldn’t be long, though perhaps Haku would not be the one to father them, and who knew if Haku had donated seed to other females. Cercelee shook the thought away, it was none of her business. "Have you been around to see Naniko’s pups?" The pregnant Naniko had been so good to both Cercelee and Ember, and Savina was a good friend to the white lady as well. Cercelee hoped Ember had news on the female’s wellbeing, but if she didn’t than perhaps they would have to plan a trip.

Table by Tammi!


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