on the road to viridian city
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For some it was hard to judge between right and wrong. Who was bad and who was good. For Onus, it wasn't. He only saw the world in black and white. There were those who lead good, honest lives, and there were those committed moral wrongs. It really was quite clear to him. If someone had done something wrong, they deserved to be punished for it. The circumstances didn't matter. Not to him. Some had tried to argue against his ideologies, but it never moved him. He believed in what he did. No amount of arguments would sway him from that.

The male shrugged his shoulders. "Not really." At least, he didn't think of it that way. He wasn't doing this to get recognition or a pat on the back. He did it because he felt the need to. It was the driving force, the reason for his existence. Too many turned a blind eye to the ugly side of life. Letting the injustices of the world run rampant. Onus wasn't able to just sit idly by and let it happen. People didn't like him. They feared him. Some even thought him mad. None of that mattered though. Because he wasn't doing this for anyone else.

Blindfolded eyes looked around at their surroundings again. "Live in city? Alone?" The younger male seemed to enjoy the company of others. Most of their kind did. If he was indeed alone, he was curious as to why. Onus had never had any real friends. No real connection to anyone. Solitude had always just been his lot in life.


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