I throw my toys around
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... tomvi0.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

Jeez, how silly of him. If she hadn't known what a lick was the first time they met, how was she supposed to know what a toy was? Sometimes he didn't think about how different their two lives had been. Even though he didn't know really anything about her past, it had been clear from their first meeting that it had been very different from his. He had his mommas and his siblings who loved him and played with him all the time. They licked him and protected him and nurtured him. The pup had a feeling she had never had any of that. It didn't make any sense to him at all. She was so sweet? Who in the world would neglect her like that?

"Oh! Well, a toy's to play with and stuffs. Like when you play with a stick or something. But toys like this were mades by humans." Haven had been very interested in human stuff from the get go. He loved all the stories about knights and kings and ladies and dragons. He loved the mansion and that castle he had found with his mom. He still really wanted to go see the city, but his father had ruined that trip. That memory didn't make him happy, so he quickly pushed it from his head. "I thinks you can cuddles with them toos. Especially ones like these, that're all soft and fluffy!" The little wolf couldn't help but let out a happy yip as she said she liked it. He had done good! This was so great! "Yays! I'm so glad you likes it!"


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