Humming the perfect lullaby
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Catherine was finishing humming when someone called from below. She sighed in relief when she saw it was someone from the pack because of the smell. "Well, I like to climb trees." she said calmly to the male while she jumped from branch to branch, like a monkey, toward the ground. "Actually, I've been kind of living in this one since I joined AniWaya." she told him, pointing at the tree she just came down.

She noticed that the colors of the male's eyes didn't match, but she didn't really care about that: she is not prejudiced for anything. Actually, she thought their colors were cute. "By the way, my name is Catherine, mister." she introduced to the unknown male. She thought about her peregrine falcon, Seymour, which was probably wandering through the pack territories or hunting a mouse, so she didn't had to worry. She sat on the earthy ground, waiting, a small smile flashing in her face, while she waited for his own apresentation.


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