and now my bitter hands shake beneath the clouds

The way his expression could change and shift over his face fascinated her. But at the same time his abrupt shift in mood also startled her. He had gone from completely furious to resigned, it seemed he was withdrawing. For a moment she saw a look of regret on his face. She blinked for the first time in what seemed like hours, not sure if she should trust her eyes.

When he spoke again and his voice was no longer tight with rage, she let out a slow breath. It was audible, but she knew it wouldn't help if she tried to hide what she was feeling. It always played so obviously on her face and in her body language. She just continued to look at him, the terror still there but subsiding quickly She felt like she could move again and dropped her shoulders. They ached from the tension. She rolled her shoulders to lessen the ache, bringing her arms up to cross them over her chest. She couldn't shake a sense of vulnerability their encounter had left, but looking at him, she sensed a vulnerability too. She hated that she had brought it out in him, but it was better to be vulnerable than unreachable and burning from it.

Her eyes slipped to the ground when he didn't accept her apology. She had every reason to apologize to him. He didn't need to accept her apology, he had every right to refuse anything she said after the way she had kept coming back for more. But his words implied no apology was necessary. She wanted to repeat her apology, tell him she had been in the wrong. But she knew better than to talk back to him, sensing that this fragile truce between them would break so easily.

"Jefferson," she repeated his name the way he'd repeated hers. She was subconsciously mirroring him, taking her cues from his behavior. Anything he did was safe to do - she matched the volume of her voice to his. She took a step forward when he turned. It was a small step, but broke the spell of her complete caution.

"Jefferson, don't go," she said, countering him softly. "I won't go any farther, if that's what you want," she added. "I'd like to talk..." if you'll let me.


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