I was goin’ nowhere fast
(Gosh I'm slow. I has no time! Sorry for delays!)

Melisande cocked her head, almost sad to hear that the femme hadn't any time for doing the things that she had once loved so much, but then, when she thought about it, she was sure that motherhood and all that were probably just as fun, especially for Iskata.

Phoenix then directed the question back at Melisande. What should he know about her? She was taken aback by the question. Melisande was used to helping others, asking about others, always doing everything for everyone else. She did think about herself, but not like this. So, naturally, she had to think about it for a moment. "Well, I'm not that hard to understand. I love my family, blood-relations and otherwise, and... I guess I'm pretty easy to get along with. I try to understand all sides... I'm a peacemaker of sorts, see?" She wondered if others saw her that way, and breifly hoped so.

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