I don't want to share

Slaying the Dreamer

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OoC: Aww... Poor Cer indeed. Haha, and poor Cwmfen, having all the girls mad at her! At least she has a friend in Haku!

Slay gave a small smile, thinking about the pups becoming adults. They were already half-way there -- it wasn't too far a stretch to imagine them hunting for real, taking their own dens, gaining rank. Maybe they'd leave Dahlia by then -- most wolves didn't stay too long, except the ones with family ties. That meant Firefly and Haku would be here a long time, didn't it? He heaved a sigh, trying to imagine those bundles of joy. And with Cercelee's next comment, he tried to imagine his own...

"Are you kidding?!" Slay snorted derisively. "Those punks look nothing like me! And no, my dear Cer, you're not going to find any yin-yang puppies seeking me out. I know I'm old, and I've been all over the place, but not like that!" That was a pretty ridiculous concept, to be sure. He may have met a lot of pretty ladies, but none of them wanted his body like that... They merely loved to soak up his attentions and flattery. In his experience, the luperci women who thought about one-night-stands would rather do it shifted, to try new things with their flexible two-legged body. Slay had never shifted; therefore he was out of their league.

"A hunting quota, well, wouldn't it be easier to just teach the kids to fish themselves, and catch squirrels and whatnot? Then I can go on hiatus whenever I please," he retorted with a roguish grin. He never meant to disappear; it was just so easy to avoid others when he wanted to be alone. Actually, today was one of those days, but Cer caught him anyway... she was getting better at finding him when she wanted him. He couldn't deny her company. Still, his face fell as she mentioned Cwmfen, almost cocky in the way she shut him down. Was she trying to pick a fight?

Slay felt his piebald ruff begin to prickle and rise defensively, stung by Cercelee's sharp tone. She didn't beat around the bush, that was for sure. She couldn't be serious, though -- him, train the golden boy that she was crushing on? "Surely you jest," he rumbled, traces of a snarl in his deep voice. "Ril'o seems much more interested in learning from you."

Slay had never handled actual teasing well, but even considering that, this was a bad reaction. His usual calm self-control was already on the fritz when she showed up; now she was just adding friction to his already uncomfortable situation. He didn't want to talk about Ril'o, didn't want to think about the name Ril'o, and now Cer wanted to throw that in his face because he mentioned Cwmfen? The arctic wolf shifted his weight, grinding his claws into the sand to release some of the hot jealousy coursing through him. No need to snap, he told himself firmly, ears flattened against his skull. This is a silly thing to get in an argument over...

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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