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The world brightened with the red pup's smile. She couldn't help but return the expression, her teeth gleaming from the small smile on her face. The gray wolfess would do everything in her power to set the little one on the right path. "Hello Zana," she said softly. The pup had a lovely name to go with her beautiful looks. She'd certainly have all the boys chasing after her when she grew up.

But for now there was only one male for her to worry about, and that was her father. Geneva thought for a moment, looking down at her. Did she know anyone who shared the little girl's looks? The only other wolf she knew of that had purple eyes was Mati. But this puppy didn't look like she belonged to Naniko at all. She looked more exotic. Like a...

Coyote. That would be her answer. Geneva didn't know Inferni's reputation or anything about its members. But she did know that there was a clan of coyotes farther inland. Perhaps that was where her father resided. "Come this way, Zana. I think I know where to find creatures who might know your father," she said. She started walking slowly in the direction of the coyote clan, waiting for the girl to follow.


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