birds of a feather
Zana had been sitting there waiting for the birds to come closer, her pretty little orbs glaring at them as her breath slowly began to return to her once more. She decided then that she would get to the birds later, the soft sands beneith her feet were calling to her more than her revenge on the pesty seagulls. She would have her revenge, but she could wait.. atleast until the sands let her be.

She dug her small paws into the sands as she smiled to herself, she was going to dig herself a nice little den all to herself. She'd make it such a large and glamourous den that the rest of the clan would be jealous and want it all to themselves. She wasn't getting very far, really. She had sand flying everywhere and yet she just had a small hole that kept refilling with more and more sand. The cursed sand was just as mean as the gulls she thought crossly as she sat in the middle of her 'den' and sighed.

Suddenly a voice found it's way into her den and the little one's large ears scooped at the noise as she turned her lavender orbs towards the stranger. She blinked once as she tried to puff up her little chest and address the stranger with the bright splash of strange fur on his nose. "S'ana no ups to anyfing! She making bestest den ebber!" she declared as she eyed the male. Out of nowhere it seemed she threw out a strange yet true remark. "yous face look funneh" Of course he looked funny, anyone would have thought such a color on any creature was strange enough. She smiled up at the stranger, not even thinking to ask just who he was.

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