I try my best to be guarded

"Definitely." She said seriously, nodding. When he spoke again Ember perked her ears, listening to the instructions carefully. She didn't want to mess anything up; Tayui really needed this meat, and Ember hadn't had a nice fresh meal in a couple of days herself. It would be good for both of the pack members and Bane as well.

The girl understood what he was saying, but didn't say anything more. She knew of the importance of silence during a hunt. And she didn't want to break his attention, either, if he was getting focused as well. She started off into the woods to locate the creature, circling widely around behind it and creeping up slowly. She could see the area that Bane had specified in the distance, and the boar snuffling at the snow on the ground.

Ember cocked one ear back, listening and watching the creature and its movements. After a little while she crouched down, moving a bit closer. Then a bit more. So far, so good. She counted down; three....two....one! And lept up out of the brush, running at the boar with a growl.


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