does it make you happy you're so strange?
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The femme's ears folded back at the mention of her ghostly hued friend. She hadn't seen him or heard anything about him since that one day. The day she had gained those scars. "P-Pilot's here?" She didn't know how to feel about it. She had hoped that he might return to Crimson Dreams. After all he had helped Naniko and her found it. Maybe it just wasn't to be. "How, uh, how is he?" Was he still the broken shell that she had seen that day or was he healing? She hoped that he was. Not that her brash actions had done anything to help him or anyone else. Savina just hadn't been able to help it. The thought of her friend being abused in that way had sent her off the deep end.

But her mood was improved as Ember seemed happy about the news of the mateship. Getting to her feet she began to follow her into these new packlands. She couldn't help but laugh a little at the idea of people getting them gifts for becoming mates. That seemed a little silly to her. Why would anyone give them gifts for that? Sometimes human practices seemed so bizarre. "Yes! Thank you! And no, no one gave us any gifts. Not sure why they would. Kansas gave me this necklace a while ago, and he's been teaching me to read and write. I got him a book and a scarf. That's it for gifts though." Her eyes scanned over the territory as they walked. "You'll have to come visit us at the mansion sometime! Or we can come here to see you!" It would be nice for the three of them to spend some time together.

"So what's AniWaya like? It's an interesting name for a pack." She'd never heard any words that sounded even remotely similar to that. Savina had to admit, she was a little embarrassed that she hadn't noticed a new pack spring up so close to her own.


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