I was goin’ nowhere fast
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Parenthood was anything but fun for Phoenix and his mate. They loved their children with all their hearts but to Phoenix it was a serious job and a major responsibility. His children brought him joy but paradoxically he felt just as much worry for their wellbeing, especially after losing one from the litter. Still, it was not a job he’d trade for anything. Alphaship he could leave at the drop of a hat, but fatherhood… his whole life revolved around his children. Without them and his mate he was just a lonely boy. They gave him a higher purpose in life.

Like Melisande, Phoenix preferred to spend his time helping others. Iskata said he needed to live for himself more, but he disagreed with her. Life was a maze of hardships, he believed, and they would never survive unless they stopped to help each other through it. He nodded his head in approval of her words. “I’m kinda th’same,” he said, though he felt uncomfortable describing himself positively. He didn’t want to sound like a braggart. “How ‘bout interests? You as ‘creative’ as Iskata?”

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