Don't wake me if I'm dreamin'

"No, that's okay! I haven't either. See...that's why I thought it'd be good to talk about. We know what their duties are...and they should, too. We've had this pack up for a while, now. Maybe when we think about their place in the pack, we should consider what they've done around here too." After all...the pack was a very important thing. Without help from each packmember, the pack would suffer. So far the hunting and scouting had been going well, as far as she knew, but she didn't want anything slipping by. Or anyone getting into the lands who shouldn't be there.

"Thanks. No, nothing else" She patted her hand a little bit, trying not to wince. The barbs had been in pretty deep. She hoped that the creature would be on its way home and that it would heal quickly. Then she might not have to treat it again for a while. Naniko did like helping out all of the animals...but some were more difficult to assist than others.


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