for the widows in paradise
I love Ember!

Geneva swayed slightly as she listened to the wind blow. She fancied she could hear music in it. But she wouldn't dance. It'd be a shame to dance alone. Maybe when Ember arrived she'd want to dance. Geneva yawned and felt her ears pop. She knew she was being ridiculous, but it felt good to unwind. Geneva was still in charge of her actions and senses, but fun, nonsensical thoughts ran races in her head with the ones telling her that perhaps sharing the potent drink with Ember wouldn't be the best idea.

The gray wolfess looked up as a dark figure darted through the brush. Her tail began to move behind her excitedly, setting her a bit off balance as she tried to meet the streaking dark figure halfway. She smiled as she recognized that the dark figure was indeed Ember. She hadn't seen the girl in weeks. Smiling, she approached her with ease, resting her free hand on the other girl's shoulder. If she had been more sober, she probably would have observed personal boundaries, but in a rush of excitement and uninhibited happiness, she overlooked those niceties.

"Ember," she said, with a look of pure pleasure on her face. "It is so wonderful to see you. I was looking for you." Although normally kind and quite, Geneva was acting more friendly and familiar than usual. Lime green eyes were just this side of unfocused as she looked into her friend's face. "What are those?" she asked, removing her hand from Ember's shoulder and tracing a line under her own eyes. "I like them!" she said cheerily.


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