does it make you happy you're so strange?
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From what Ember said, Savina assumed that she didn't know what had happened to their friend. That was probably the best. In a way she wished that she could forget what she had learned. That information had set off a powder keg in her and she was still trying to fix everything. She tried not to dwell on such thoughts for long though. What was done was done. Thinking about how things might have been different didn't help anybody. "Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear that. You'll have to tell him hello for me." She thought about mentioning how he had helped Naniko and herself form Crimson Dreams, but decided against it. That might bring up the question of why he left and that wasn't the Marino's information to share.

The way that her sister-in-law talked, it seemed that she really liked this place. That was good, it was important to find a pack where you thought you fit in and felt at home. That's what Twilight Vale, and now Crimson Dreams were to Savina. Her birth pack had never given her that. They had accepted her, let her mother and siblings stay there. But they had never truly been accepted or thought much of. Now that she had it, she valued the feeling of belonging highly. "That's great! It sounds like a nice place. Never heard of a pack like this before, but that's very interesting. What kind of weapon do you think you want?" Though even if Ember had one in mind, Savina wasn't sure if she would even know what the thing was. She was still ignorant when it came to a lot of human artifacts. "So it just formed recently then, yes?" Since Pilot had been there when it formed, she could only assume that was the case.


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