I'm just a normal boy.
Aww, thanks. And of course I had to pick Storm, it's awesome like that. Wink


Glider nearly had a complete heart attack when the big werewolf seemed to appear out of thin air before him. Of course, Phoenix had in no way, shape, or form really just appeared, but honestly, the young boy had been so caught up in his own racket to pay attention to anything else. Ears that were still a bit stubby fluttered backward and he scooted back a few paces on his rump. Mostly because he wasn't used to those in werewolf form. His father had been, a few times that he could recall, but really, they were dim memories, and due to the fact that he was rarely involved in interesting things, little Glider had not been knowledgable of things like the mysteries of the Luperci.

He whined, softly, before throwing himself onto his back, tail tucked to tummy, ears plastered to his head, and tummy showing in a universal puppy sign of submission. It was a "I'm young, don't hurt me" sort of stance. And one that, had he known better, he might not have taken. Some would gladly take that warm, soft tummy and tear it to shreads around these parts. Especially since he probably would take no care to the difference between wolf and coyote, that could have gotten him into a lot of trouble. As it was, he seemed in no harmful position, but remained on his back because it was what his father would say was the right thing to do. "Submit, shut up, stay there." That was all too frequent a set of commands.

Glider's ears did prick forward, tentatively, as the big male spoke. Although it wasn't really necessary, as the voice seemed extremely loud to him even without his ears forward. Wiggling a bit, he shrugged dark shoulders, face a picture of confusion. "I d'o. Dey says, mownin', we goes. Wakied up, dey gones." The boy replied, thinking. "Me wook fow two da's nows, kin'na fin' dem." Glider explained further, hoping his volunteered information would not lead to him getting into trouble from the Very Big Werewolf.[/html]

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