I'm just a normal boy.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
No matter how many times he saw the sight Phoenix was unused to having wolves submit before him. Despite the fact that he was in a position that many held in reverence he didn’t consider himself better than anyone. Well, okay, he knew he was a better person than a murderer or a rapist, but that went without saying. He would have been just fine spending the rest of his life in the Jager Fuhrer position and leaving the leadership duties to someone else. Unfortunately there hadn’t been anybody else when Gibraltar had needed a right hand wolf, and then eventually a successor. If there had been anybody else to do it, Phoenix would have gladly handed the reigns to them so he devote his entire life to raising his children. A simple life was all he’d wanted.

Sensing he was making the boy uncomfortable, Phoenix lowered himself closer to the ground and attempted to appear less intimidating, even wagging his tail encouragingly. The boy’s story seemed unusual, but sadly not improbable. Phoenix wondered what possible reasons could cause a parent to abandon a child, especially one as healthy-looking as this boy. “Have y’smelled ‘em anywhere nearby?” Phoenix asked. If they were still nearby Phoenix would gladly have taken some time out of his day to return a lost child to his parents, although if they had abandoned him willingly then that was probably not the best idea. He had taken in unwanted children before, and theer just happened to be an empty spot in his den. “Are y’hungry? I caught a rabbit a little while ago an’ was savin’ it for later. It should still be warm if y’want some.”

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