I'm coming down fast but I'm miles above you

we prey as wolves among the sheep
and slit the necks of soldiers while they sleep

He had never seen the beautiful Italian girl like that before. She was almost frightening in her Secui form with teeth bared and mind set to wreak havoc. Though he didn’t know the circumstances to the fight, he was certain his interruption was for her own good. At least, it seemed that way, considering Hybrid was moving so quickly. As the coyote made a break for Apollo, the boy quickly turned on his heels and began running.

With his knife planted firmly in the ground, Apollo was unarmed and virtually helpless against Hybrid. He wasn’t aware of the male’s fighting experience, but Apollo himself had only learned to fight in his Optime form. He had no idea how to counter someone in their lupus form, so he was out of ideas. His only hope now was to run. He wasn’t even sure if he had time to shift, so he didn't take the chance. Had Savina not taken a good size piece out of Hybrid’s leg, he would surely have been caught by now. If he could lead Hybrid far enough away, however, hopefully Savina could flee home. Apollo would just have to deal with what came.


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