You always thought that I was stronger
In the very quick moment that he had spoken her name, it hadn't occurred to him that she may wonder how he knew it. He hadn't realized just how creepy he might have come off just knowing her name, especially being a wolf in their lands and knowing her name. The realization didn't hit him until moments after her name had already left with his words and his eyes widened suddenly at the fact, arms immediately pulling in close to his body, hands rubbing slowly together in a nervous fashion. She also seemed to think that it was odd, by the way she spoke and the curious look on her face and Jasper suddenly felt all the more foolish for it. "I uhm.." He started, but he suddenly didn't know what to say.

"My sist..Corona.." He corrected himself. Gabriel wouldn't have been happy with him bounding around claiming his relation to everyone, he suspected, and saying that Corona was his sister might automatically make them all think that, though it was true. "She said you were nice and that you wear clothes." It still sounded creepy, in his opinion, but it was better than blurting out the fact that she supposedly wouldn't be mean to him and that they might get along, which sounded even worse in his head. "I haven't seen anyone else who wears clothes here yet, so I was just guessing."


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