I am just as fucked as you

indent Three women come and gone, three strikes and three scars over his heart and soul. He didn’t even wear Matinee’s ring anymore. He had it, of course, in the pouch that never left his side. As incoherent as his thoughts were, he knew that she was out there, she was gone and he had to accept it, no one was ever coming home. His family was dead, his kids hated him, he had absolutely nothing. The throbbing sensation in his right arm did not stop, and he saw the ground rise and tumble as if gravity had gone wrong. He had to close his eyes and regain some sense of direction, stumbling on his feet.
indent If he heard the first comment, he did not realize it. While he did hear the second, the question, his friend’s voice, it didn’t mean anything. He heard words but they didn’t matter. Grabbing at the handrail, he began to climb the steps, stumbled hard and caught himself, finally reached the top. He didn’t even know if Laruku was still following him. Stupid hands fumbled at a door, and he somehow managed to open it, to get into the room that had long ago been his own. Scattered papers, a broken desk, signs of struggle, of old blood, a pile of tattered blankets and the obvious signs of a heroine user (scattered in the windowsill, a life on display) and alcoholic, they were all there. It was sanctuary, this place. It always had been.


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