I'm just a normal boy.
Let's see ... At one point in time, Nikael, but that's SERIOUSLY old. Adan (Mordulin's son), Cross Valiant, Ketori, Claret Eclissi, Vladimir Russo, Conway de le Poer ... and a few others that I forget, probably. :3

As the older male got ready to walk and gestured at him to follow, the puppy scrambled to his feet. He fell over on his first attempt due to his haste, but quickly picked himself up, tail wagging excitedly so that it nearly knocked him over again with its enthusiasm. This was new to him, an adult that wanted to feed him particularly. Especially considering before, he was always ignored, eating away at the scraps once they had finished. There was only one time he remembered that this hadn't happened, when Tailspin had actually tossed him a piece of meat. Sometimes, Tail had been good like that, but usually it was just ignoring. Not really active torture, just silence, which was somehow worse.

Which was why he warmed so fully to the niceness that Phoenix offered. He was already prepared to do anything that the big adult asked him to do, because he felt safe here. With this ... alpha? "I's Gwidew! Grr, Guh-lie-der." He had to sound it out, since he knew he didn't have it down yet. "Wass'a awfa? An'a ... pawk?" The boy asked, wrinkling his nose. In his group, there were no such things. There was Mama, Papa, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, and one Cousin. But that was it. No alpha, no pack. So the word had him quite perplexed.[/html]

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