your cold day in the sun
DaVinci couldn't help but shake his head at the words she exclaimed. "We're not that close, atleast.. most of us, but we are family." He really didn't talk about his family much because outside of Zana he was nothing like them and he wasn't for certain if Ryan even realized that. If she didn't soon enough she would he thought as they made the steady walk through the countryside towards the home of the once proud Matriarch.

He watched her as the came down the winding road towards the cottage, the wide eyed look that crossed her face made him smile, glad he could share the beauty of the lands with her and yet hoping that bringing her to meet Iskata wasn't about to be a mass mistake. He knew how his mother could be about things and he knew that falling in love with a girl from Inferni was probably more than the woman could stand at the moment seeing how her life had been spiraling downhill so quickly. For once DaVinci pushed those thoughts aside, he could afford to be selfish every once in a while, Ryan was the only comfort he had outside of their little pack and he deserved that much, no matter what his mother thought.

He smiled at her when their fingers entwined before he made to open the door and call out. "Mother..?" His voice was unsure, not knowing if Skylar had went somewhere with the woman, but by the reaction of Zana as she scooted into the house before them someone was obviously there. He removed the leash from the girl and let her scamper further into the house as he followed slowly with Ryan. "Mother, there's someone I want you to meet." he said as he lead the crimson eyed beauty into the livingroom where most everyone seemed to spend their time in the cottage.

Just as he thought, Skylar was curled up in a chair reading a small book while Iskata lay close to the fireplace. Zana had clattered over to the nest of blankets she slept in and was rolling about letting out silly little coos of puppyhappiness as she wallowed against Tyrone who seemed to be a littel disgruntled for being woken from his nap. Smirking at his son's reaction DaVinci swollowed and waited, surprised that Skylar and Tyrone had never mentioned to Iskata thus far about their dad's love interest.

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