chains that bind
DaVinci couldn't help but roll his eyes at the words of the woman, she just sounded so pathedic. She was willing to help bing because she was bored, not because she had any sort of compassion for a lost child. He hoped for the sake of this tribe that the rest of their numbers weren't the same. Being a stuck up self absorbed pack would get you nowhere. Especially when you were foolish enough to move into lands in the middle of the hard months. He eyed her with disgust and just hoped that she learned some compassion for others before the world got to her.

He watched silently as she seemed to relay a message to the bird, because he doubted that the bird was smart enough to understand what he'd just spoken. He shook the waves of irritation from his pelt as she sent the bird off once more. He hoped the stupid thing didn't return, but he was smart enough to understand there were very few preditors of the sky except the large raptors. He expected he'd have to deal with the creature sometime within their search again.

While the bird was disappearing into the clouds he watched it with one eye waiting for the woman to decide what the hell was going on. The smart mouth attitude that she gave him would have made him snarl at the brat but she wasn't part of his pack and he really had no clue who she was within this one. Narrowing his eyes at her words he muttered under his breath, [d]"Didn't I just ask you that?"[/b] before shaking his head and following the lady. Atleast he'd get to see what their territories looked like. He might not like the company but atleast he would learn something if they didn't find Zana.

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