Humming the perfect lullaby
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     Leland watched as the female approached the ground, amused at the way she swung from branch to branch, as if canines were meant to live in trees rather than on the ground. Yet this one claimed she did, and though Leland did not think any less of the girl for such a strange living situation she did chuckle kindly at her. The husky mix had never heard of such a thing before. "Well then miss, wha’da ya do when it rains? You still stay in that tree then?" Or did she take shelter some where else? It was winter, rain was a rarity but when it did rain it quickly froze and having the ice frozen to one’s fur was not only uncomfortable, it was a health hazard.

     Dipping his head in greeting to the lady, Leland held out a hand to be shaken, he had seen it done by others though he hadn’t introduced himself in such a way before. There were a lot of things Leland did not with his Luperci body that he had never done with shifted with four legs. "Ah, excuse me miss! The name’s Leland, it’s a pleasure to meet ya!” And it was, there were so few in Aniwaya that Leland knew. He had met the leader, once, but only DaWali and Asha did he know well, and even those two he did not see as often as he would like. "So, how do ya like living here, in the tribe I mean?" It wasn’t a rude question, the tribe was still fairly new enough, everyone was making an adjustment living in it.


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