gravity rides everything - p leland
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     Leland still hadn’t acclimated to living in Aniwaya, not completely. The lands he was now familiar with, having discovered that with his spare time he enjoyed scouting the lands, though normally only the borders got very much traffic. There was his daily routine as well, which was rarely broken by social interaction. Mostly he would wake, talk a quick walk around the pack lands, hunt or fish, and then idle the rest of the day away. Yet Aniwaya and it’s ways were still strange to him. For one, he barely knew any of the inhabitants, and those he did know he did not know them as well as he should. Secondly, though he was learning more about the ways of the tribe, he did not exactly live as he should. Still he was lacking his spirit guide, and his home was a hole in the earth rather than the constructed buildings the tribe was accustomed to.

     Yet every day provided opportunities for Leland to increase his knowledge and better learn to live among the tribe. It was not like his to shy from these opportunities so when during his daily stroll he came across a member he did not know Leland waited patiently for the male to finish his morning meditation before emerging from behind the tree he had been leaning against. Clearing his throat, hoping that the male did not mistake his staying out of sight for spying, Leland raised his hand in a peace sign, something he had witness DaWali do the first time they had met. "Ayllo there sir. How er you this mornin’?"


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