This is home sweet home.

OOC: i decided to throw Ril'o at her!

It's been some time since Ril'o joined the pack and Cercelee and him explored towns together, he was excited an in his usually good going moods. The Bluet trotted lightly down the small ally heading towards the main street, tail swaying as his golden body moved out passed the buildings. "all of them are so big.."speaking to him self he looked from building to building as he passed. The scents were slowly becoming less strange the more the was around them, this is his home. Golden pelt rippled from the muscles underneath as he moved, the wind blew against his back with a faint scent. "hmm?"
Stopping his ears pricked up as he turned around with his nose sniffing at the air, looking ahead was a brown female with a rodent on her shoulder. Ril'o tilted his head at the sight, it was something very strange but yet he was curious. His tail wagging behind him he barked a hello to the female, this must be a packmate. Walking towards her the small sounds of the rodent made his ear twitch.


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