I'm just a normal boy.
http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j40/k ... efinal.png);background-repeat: no-repeat; padding-bottom:140px; background-position: bottom center;">
Whoa… that’s quite the list there. I’m familiar with Vlad and Cross.

“Glider?” he finally made it out, smiling all the while. The adult remembered how his own name had given him trouble at first. It was odd how quickly he was becoming attached to the boy, especially after the disappointment of finding him instead of his daughter. It was an odd bit of irony, he had gone to look for his daughter who looked nothing like him (except for the eyes) and instead he’d found another boy who he had no relation to yet could probably pass as his son. And just as a father might, just as he’d done with his own children, he began to answer the boy’s line of questions. “A pack is a big group a’wolves who live t’gether an’ help each other,” he said. “They don’t hafta be related, like a big family, but we treat each other like a family. Th’leader is called the alpha.”

Finally they arrived to where he had hidden the catch. Phoenix stuck his arm down a hollowed knot in a dead tree and pulled out the meat. The outside was already cold but the insides hopefully still retained some of the dead creature’s body heat. At least it hadn’t stiffened up already. Biting down into it to get past the fur and undesirable parts, Phoenix relished the taste of blood that dribbled into his moth before setting it down so the poor hungry boy could have first pickings. “Eat up… then we’ll talk ‘bout what t’do with you next.” He had a good idea just what he could do with Glider, but he wouldn’t force anything on the young lad.

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