on the road to viridian city
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The man nodded his head. From what he had observed so far, no one else resided in this place. From the sound of it there were plenty of packs and clans for the majority of people to live in. He could understand that most preferred to live in such a way. But for himself, he had always found more comfort in old concrete buildings than trees. Maybe it was because he had been brought up in a city. Nurture instead of nature (if the term "nurture" could even be used for what his childhood had been). "Hm. I see. Good you not alone. Or she." Even though it was a foreign need for him, he could understand that it was important to other people. Onus didn't really mind company. He had just never found it easy to connect.

"For now yes. Never stay in one place for long though. Not without a need to." If the coyote couldn't further his life's mission here, then he had no reason to stay. As of yet he hadn't been able to determine if there was a reason yet. There was unrest, yes. But he couldn't tell if it was to the point of needing his intervention. He just needed to investigate more. Gather more information. Observe more. Things didn't always happen within the first few days of being a new place. Sometimes not even in the first few weeks. "Onus. Good to meet you Arkham." Really, he meant it. His tone might not have given it away (for it never gave anything away), but it was true. This was the closest he had perhaps ever come to being understood by someone else.


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