Give a Damn About Falling
I loved yours too.

There was an endless ring of gravity surrounding Anu that would always draw Geneva toward her. Geneva could hide things from others, but she knew she couldn't hide that from herself. Still, she found a singular force that could give her mastery over that powerful attraction. Love. It might seem strange to consider it - that she could love Anu but not act upon a desire to deepen their connection.

Geneva loved Anu, as a friend. As only a kindred soul could. But Geneva didn't understand that love as an all consuming emotion to drive her mad with desire for Anu's fidelity. No, for Geneva love was and would always be a choice. And that choice she made was to always, unconditionally put Anu first - her happiness, her safety - no matter what the cost was to herself.

She wouldn't utter those words despite the total truth in them. She would wrap her lips around the fatal four letter word. This fragile truce between them was important. Her silence didn't need to be her self defense, instead she conveyed those words in the gentle touch of her hand in Anu's, gripping the other wolfess' fingers strongly before returning to the buck. "Looks like the wind's about to get worse."

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