I'm just a normal boy.
Heh, yeah. They were two of the more recent ones. Adan and Nikael are way old school, a few years. Ketori was around back when Chimera first got founded ... Conway is one of Kaena's many children ... good times. I have had to leave a few times because of parents' banning it when I was younger and then school overload, but you probably know how it is with Souls. Once a Soulser, always a Soulser. Wink


At his name posed as a question, Glider nodded, gazing expectantly at the adult. Because he didn't realize, really, at first, that the adult was merely confirming his name. As he was given no orders, though, he figured that it must have been something other than command that had led to Phoenix's query. He was about to ask what the adult had meant when the older wolf started to explain what packs and alphas were. So they were like a family, but not a family. And he was the leader. "Wike a'daddy?" Glider asked, ears flattening. "Daddy sed he'z leadew, obey ow be weft b'h'nd. Bu' I away'z dud, away'z obey'd. So's why dey go wiffout me's?" His heart hurt. What had he done to be left like that?

Glider's hurt and sorrowful thoughts were dissuaded by the presence of food, though, and his little nostrils flared, head moving up, ears perking at the concept of meat and blood. Although he had rarely gotten as much food as this - wow, it was a lot, at least for him - he still knew the smell oh so well. And when Phoenix put it before him, almost a complete rabbit, he almost had a heart attack. "W-wow, fanks!" He woofed, before lowering his head to chow down. Figuring this was a temporary nicety that would soon turn out to be a cruel trick. It had to be, right? No one ever told him he could eat this much. Although, of course, he nowhere near finished it before his tummy got completely full and he plopped back contentedly on his hindquarters, staring adoringly up at Phoenix. Not saying anything, because he had already said thank you.[/html]

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