raw deal
sorry for the wait. and the length.

He noted her momentary smile, a similar reaction to the one Gabriel had given him. Better a smile than outright laughter, or god forbid, a giggle. The hybrid returned her nod with a slight inclination of his head, listening curiously to her reply. She was a leader-- and if she ran with her brother, then he had met her brother, as well. Their appearances were very different, but he shrugged that off, chalking it up to genetics. 'Who's was it, originally?' Gig asked, relaxing slightly. Inferni's leaders, at least, didn't seem to portray the image the clan gave off. 'You've done a good job. It's nice.' He was talking more than he usually was, subconsciously trying to create a good impression, perhaps, while he tried to decide what he wanted.


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