I'm just a normal boy.
Good streak! Big Grin

Oh there it was! Glider had been anticipating some sort of something that made this food a trick, and Phoenix was lowering his head. The boy cringed, anticipating a nip, a scolding, something, but he got ... a lick? The boy peered up at the adult with baffled puzzlement. Why would that happen? He had done nothing right. The only times he got licks were when the group got fed really, really well, or when he was particularly dirty and it actually bothered Mother. Otherwise he just went about mostly untouched, except to scold, nip, or otherwise drive away an annoying runt from underneath their feet. So it was that he wasn't sure how to react.

As Phoenix started to speak and explain more about the family, and then mentioned that Glider could join his family, be a brother to some puppies, the boy thumped his tail against the ground. Oh wow! This was all too much to take in at once! He stood up, and impulsively mimicked the nurturing gesture of the alpha before him by giving Phoenix a loving puppy lick to the underside of his chin. "Reawy?! I'd wuv two!" The boy exclaimed, hopping up and down. Then, abruptly, he drooped, peering at the ground. "An' ... an' you's nawt weave me? I no wanna be weft 'gain." The idea of gaining a new family with this Phoenix, but then being abandoned again was - to say the least - horrifying. Once had been far more than enough for him.[/html]

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