I don't want to share

Slaying the Dreamer

http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c13/v ... ayeyes.jpg); background-position:top; background-repeat: no-repeat;">

OoC: Aww... :C She made him swear. That takes a lot. Now he's being mean back. ;_;

That little hypocrite was picking a fight! Incensed, Slay whirled on his heel, stalking down towards the lapping waves of the ocean. Black and white fur rippled up his spine, his hackles erect as his glittering eyes stared venomously at his threatening reflection. He couldn't stand to meet her accusatory gaze; he felt like he would hurt her if he did.

Ignoring her nagging about his teaching duties, the broad-chested male let his ebony tail whip an uneven cadence. So, he was unreliable? So maybe she did prefer the company of wolves a little more serious about their lives? So she wanted to rub his nose in the fact that he was still single after all these years, no kids, no nothing? Maybe she didn't realize how much that stung him, but she was about to find out.
"Why all the puppy talk? Thinking about having some golden kids of your own?" he hissed, white-tipped ears flat against his skull. He didn't want to hear the answer. Cercelee was the reason he stayed with the pack, the reason he put up with Haku and Firefly and pack meetings and all that shit. If he ever saw her tottering around on two legs with a round belly from some other man's child, he was out. Screw pack life. Was that so unfair?

"It's all well and good for you, you know; hang out and socialize with all your little friends, boss us around when you feel like it, and then tell us you want to be treated like an equal when it suits you. Go ahead and play your games, Cercelee! But it gets old pretty quick, and if you want to criticize how I live my life, you'd better get your own shit together first! Maybe act like a real leader every once in a while, and grow up, while you're at it!" He hadn't meant to be so harsh - or had he? Cer had really struck a nerve this time, hitting just about every sore spot he had. All that was left for her to hurt would be his goofy-looking fur or his sleeping sickness, and didn't she know his narcolepsy was part of the reason he disappeared so much...? Stars were bursting before his eyes -- he nearly passed out, so strong was the emotion he felt coursing his shaking body. This sort of passion was exactly what would trigger a sleeping episode, but he struggled to rein it in before he'd collapse and wake up to a slit throat or something.

In a distracted manner, he recalled a saying that went along the lines of 'we fight the most with the ones we love the most'. In other words, the ones allowed closest to one's heart were the ones that could break it. In his heightened state, Slay was hardly in the mood to think about how much Cer meant to him, but his mind still filed it away to process later. She just made him so... angry!

I've got soul but I'm not a soldier


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