I throw my toys around
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/ ... tomvi0.png); background-position:bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;">

As they carried the teddy bear to Siobhan's den, Haven thought it must have been the longest time he had gone without saying anything in his whole life! It was always so talkative and curious. The only thing that could shut him up was to have something stuffed in his mouth! But he didn't mind it. He was with his friend, so he was happy regardless. As she dropped the bear to say that they were near the den, he squinted his eyes to try and see better ahead. The snow made everything too bright and hard to see! But he could make out the dark outline of a rocky cave. He hurried along beside her as they ran the rest of the way to her home. Tail wagging behind him like a little orange banner.

The cave was nice and dry, so they wouldn't have to worry about the toy getting wet inside of here. "Perfects!" he said, nodding his head. Looking around, this den was pretty similar to the one back home. Of course there were differences. But he supposed all caves looked more or less the same. Plopping down onto his haunches he stared at the beady little eyes of the teddy. "We shoulds give him a names." What would be a good name for a toy bear? Haven's lips squished together and he tried to come up with a name. "What about Toodles? It was the names of a character in a stories I heard!" Toodles had been one of Peter Pan's Lost Boys. It was a funny name.


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