This is home sweet home.

Yea! he don't really shift forms often well rarely! Sorry short!

Ril'o looked over the female for a brief second, noticing the deep brown tones of her coat. His green eyes looked at the small creature when she spoke is name,Pickles, well he has never meet a Pickles before and never a rodent so this is a first. Tail swayed calmly behind him as he sniffed the air a few times, before speaking to Adelaida. "Well hello Adelaida it's nice to meet you." Smiling Ril'o glanced moved towards the small one on her shoulder. "and hello as well to you P.Pickles is it? I'm Ril'o an I'm new here too you can say, or I it's just I haven't been here very long." Ril'o could sense the hesitation or uneasiness from the female, he didn't want to make her uncomfortable he was just interested in meeting a packmate. Ears flickered as he glanced at Pickles, taking it they have been together for a while.


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