Don't tell the trees
Of course it had been natural for her to look out for her brother, though maybe it wasn't like that in some places. Legacy felt responsible for all her siblings - she was the most confident of them, and it was natural for her to feel like a leader. She didn't know that coyotes and wolves weren't meant to get along, well, she knew that some didn't, but always assumed there had to be something more behind it than species, despite all appearances. She wouldn't have understood Empusa's embarrassment, even if she had explained herself.

The girl spoke as if offended or irritated. Perhaps it was her usual bearing, or maybe she was annoyed for some reason. Now it made more sense than ever that she had come here to attack Merit, just as Legacy had been attacked herself. An attempt to do the same here and now would have had her running for cover, but the idea that her family was under threat, even from just one youngster, that was different; that annoyed her rather more than she'd like. She'd have to handle herself carefully, and not lose her temper.

Course I'm not his keeper, she said with a little disdain, but I'm still not going to just let you go and find him, and attack him too, I bet!

Her green eyes narrowed and her heart quickened - and then she had to stifle a giggle at Empusa's words. Imagine that, her and her brother! Still, the other girl wasn't giving anything away, so she wouldn't either.

What would it matter if I was? You'd be hunting me down, too?


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