Try Her on for size


The young pup hadn't expected to see firefly on the ground, thrown from the beasts back. She had not expected to be the cause of all of this trouble. Hanna the healer was going around doing what she could. The moment Svara seen the siringe in the womens hand she growled in protest but didn't make a move to stop her. Even as young as she was she knew that she was being doped to block the mind blowing pain. Her shoulder hurt her more then anything. It was shreded open. The need to lick the wound was almost undeniable. Yet she knew that would only make things worse, causing her to pull her muscles as well as lead to more infection.

Laying her head down on the snow she made no movement as those drugs took away most of her pain. Susquehanna began her work about the pup. Svara didn't do anything as the women stiched her back together. Her yellow eyes were on the other female. She had gone so far as to come and risk her own life to save her. The childs fathers words rushed through her head. "You must look out for yourself, if you don't no one will come save you when you screw up." Svara grinned and shut her bright eyes.

"Guess you were wrong again." She mumbled to herself. After Hanna went as far as putting her on a litter to move her Svara took a deep breath and moved from her side over onto her three good legs, holding her wounded right leg up so not to rip the stiches. Moving slowly and being cautious of those back wounds she made her way towards firefly. When she did get there the pup was breathing hard from the strain it took. Between her wounds and the morphine she was close to loosing consiousness. Letting her legs give out she laied in front of the pregnant women. "thank you." She wanted to say more, to make a muttered snap that she would never say such a thing again, but Svara didn't as she let her nose touch the other females in thanks before loosing consiousness. the pup stared to snore.


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