She'll take you by the hand


Svara really hated this. It hadn't been that long since the bear attack, her wounds weren't to bad off, most of them would heal with out being scars thanks to Hanna, but those three claw marks on her cheek would be there for some time, it would be a reminder to her of the danger her carlessness caused. Following behind firefly she had been keeping tabs on the women ever since the bear attack. It wasn't that she was worried for the bitchy female, no she just wanted to be there when she dropped dead from internal bleeding. At least she had to keep telling herself this or she might actually admit to herself that she liked the women and was following her out of pure nerves.

"Well I think many woud disagree with that statement there Firefly. I think a babysitter would be perfect for you." Svara stated snidly. She continued to keep going stepping on ever thing that made noise just to be obnoxious. Her shoulder had bothered her after the bear attack and caused her to miss steps every not and then, but it would heal. Keeping up she continued to listen to Firefly's comments and grinning as she did so. "Well like I said before, I have a pack to hunt for me so why should I care?" She stated with a look that said I'm the master and you my bitches.

Hearing firefly call her forwards but another twig snapping made her stop. It hadn't been her who snapped that twig. A visious growl rose in her young throat and the fur rose on her wounded back. Some one else was out here. "Piss off firefly and focus on something other then me." She snapped waiting for what she knew was nearby. The wind was no in her favor giving no scent and nothing was in sight, so she waited.



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