She'll take you by the hand
ooc; to make this even more embarrassing, the big lump is shifted -__x

He wasn't where he should be, and he knew that; but come on, was it really such a big deal? Surely this.. silly 'bias' that floated around was a myth. Of course there would be fanatics on both sides (he remembered the skulls with a shudder)-- but that wouldn't stop him from wandering. He wouldn't trespass... well, not too deeply, anyway. The scent of wolf filled the air, closer than he immediately expected. A scout on patrol, he figured. Giggle lazily trailed the scent, until he could hear the faint voices, a young female and an older female, seemingly fed up with each other. He tried to be stealthy as he could, but his feet betrayed him, snapping a twig. He tensed, suddenly shy, but forced himself to gather his courage and move into view, a safe distance away.

A heavily pregnant female was the first he saw, beautiful even in her state, and a female child. Both were marked up pretty badly. Some recent fight? Apprehension rose, but it was too late now, and he had to prove to himself that he wasn't a coward. He could seek out the big bad wolf and hold his own. (Hopefully.) 'Hello.' He muttered, and then repeated it, louder, his voice surprisingly strong. 'Are you ... ladies okay?' His dark eyes lingered on the deep, already scarring wounds. Hopefully whatever came after them had already been taken care of.


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