let your dreams take wing

The onyx form of the Lt. General leaned against the railing of the porch of the mansion. Her scarf was wrapped around her neck and the coat she had found on her last visit to Halifax helped the cold from biting to harshly at her skin. Her breaths came out in small puffs. Emerald eyes scanned over the snow blanketed land of Crimson Dreams. Silently she thanked the gods for helping them stay strong and safe. Their numbers were probably the only thing protecting them from the wrath of Inferni. Maybe she was being overly dramatic, but from the eyes of an outsider the clan would have reason to attack them. She had gone and attacked one of their members. True, she had her reasons. That member had taken her friend captive and abused him. Regardless, war was the last thing she wanted for her home.

As a call split the air her head perked up. It was Ryan, she knew in an instant. Savina's heart quickened in her chest. Did she know? Was this some way of Inferni trying to take revenge? She pushed those thoughts from her mind. No, Ryan was a sweet girl. She wouldn't do anything like that. Calming herself she walked from the house out towards the borders to greet her friend.

As the reddish brown form of the coyote came into sight a warm smile bloomed on her lips. Suddenly she was even more glad of her coat; the sleeves would hide the majority of her scars from the fight. "Ryan!" she called out. "It's good to see you!" There was some kind of...pack or something hanging from her shoulder. The femme gazed curiously at it, though held her tongue. She didn't want to be nosy. If Ryan wanted to share what it was she would.


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