All there is, is here.

Sorry short!

Ril'o was comfortable on the bed as he listened to her speak bout her family as well, nodding he could tell the similarity of that their mothers shared. The small thoughts about the past would be even for now, it's time to go forward into his new family, new life. The way she spoke of the pack brought a smile to Ril'o's face while his ears flickered, she was a good leader the kind that cared for the pack not just herself. Cause the pack is a whole,right? Like a family, it needs one another to function properly. Maybe that's just his option on the thought.
"Leave?This probably don't mean nothing now, but i promise it will one day. I promise I would never leave, this is my new home, new pack, and new family." Green eyes glanced at her before continuing. " I think every pack is a family when you think about it. Every member would do anything for the pack an pack mates, i bet even wolves who claim to hate everyone will help their pack mate when they needed it. So yes this is a family, no matter how weird or strange." Smiling he looked back at the hall before looking at Cercelee. "Are you hungry cause I can go look in the kitchen for something." Ril'o looked forward to living here, to knowing the packmates and his new home. The past aside, nothing is left but now and the future.


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