This is home sweet home.
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Slowly she relaxed and closed the distance between them– just a little. The male was cordial and she could tell he sensed her uneasiness, not pressing too hard for a response from Adelaida, for this she was grateful. Normally she did not openly offer information on herself, she would wait until questions were asked, but since he did not press further for information, she provided some herself. “Actually... I’m only new to this pack, not the area... I was born around here.” Others found that interesting, mostly those who had come over the mountain, but Ril’o hadn’t said if he was one of those wolves or not, it didn’t matter as they had other topics to talk about. The masked female quickly noticed Ril’o eyeing the rodent, and they way he had address the creature had indicated his curiosity, Adelaida willingly offered an explanation. “Pickles is actually my sister’s companion, he’s just staying with me until... until she comes back.” Ade offered a hesitant smile to male, for some reason she couldn’t stop talking about herself. Perhaps it was because he has asked nothing that she wanted to. “That’s why I’m here... waiting for her.” She couldn’t go on talking about herself forever. “What brought you to Dahlia de Mai?”


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