for the widows in paradise
Geneva is a happy drunk? Smile.

"No, no, I'm okay! I'm fantastic!" Geneva was happy to see Ember, and with the addition of alcohol, she was quite able to express that joy. She remembered meeting Nikolai in the human city, when she had left Crimson Dreams to seek comfort, and instead had found a comrade. She certainly hadn't felt lonely then, though she had woken up the next day with a splitting headache.

She lifted the bottle to let Ember look at it. " great stuff, at first. The morning after, it," she wrinkled her nose and laughed. "It sucks." She didn't think she could adequately explain the effects it was having on her, making colors brighter and feelings more intense. "I'm still trying to get the hang of it, actually," she said, taking a sip from the bottle daintily. She didn't want to appear ill-mannered in front of Ember. Maybe she would join her!

She sank to the floor suddenly, laughing quietly to herself, close-mouthed. It was a quiet laugh, but she still closed her eyes and felt it glowing inside of her. She enjoyed it so much. Her eyes were still closed, a small smile touching her face as she spoke. "I brought some in case you wanted to try it," Geneva said. "I gotsa warn you, it will make you sick to your stomach and give you a helluva headache the morning after." Her green eyes sparkled as she opened them and looked up at the dark hued wolfess. " makes it easier for me to express loosens me up? I don't know. Either way, I'd love to talk to you."

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