sense of synergy
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That was a good question — a pointless one, but a good one — and he found himself pausing a moment, considering it with his developing madman's mind. Unlike his older half-brother, Andrezej did not deny that he was likely very much insane, but it was nothing that perturbed him in any way. In fact, he viewed it to be an advantage; only the mad could scheme like he did. Only the mad could think like he did; therefore, the sane found themselves completely off guard when faced by the to-be sadist, to-be masochist, to-be nihilist.

For my pleasure, he responded simply, darkly. After all, if Andre had ideals to take the throne, he'd still have to wait until he was old enough, and nobody would support him. That was a thought that had not crossed his mind, but would, eventually, be recognized for its power. He had only wanted to be higher than the others for his own reasons; never had he thought of being powerhungry. They had no need for power.

Could too.


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