silence fell just like a stone
[html]Yes, he was mocking. He would've felt bad about it if he didn't see the smile that was on her face as she accused him of it, too, but as it was he was elated, filled up with some strange feeling that was lighter than air and brighter on the sun on these cold days. The boy giggled, too, something that he hadn't done for a very long time. Shaking his hands to get the melting snow off of them, he smiled back. Keeping up the French accent was undeniably fun, but it was too hard for Beppe to maintain while concentrating hard. Snowball fights were serious business.

The coyote dodged the ball he had thrown, casting herself out of the protection of the rock and landing on her side. The Italian laughed again, eyes trained on the other as she turned, all legs and motion. Somehow the snow she picked up managed to get up into his eyes, and he stumbled backwards, gargling out some strange nonsense. "Aghhh, my eyes!! Look vut have you done, you fiend! Ze pointz, zey are shteecking right into my eyes!" Before he might have thought it was unfair to be shifted while she was not, but apparently there were advantages to each side.

After a moment he stopped his screaming, giggled again, and took a few hurried steps before crouching beside a rock and making another snowball. He was too far away from her at the moment for him to trust his aim, so he stalled, taking a few slow, sneaky steps torwards her.[/html]

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