the mystery which binds me still

     The fact that their blood was mixed did not bother Gabriel; ultimately, his loyalty lay where it was due. Inferni had taken in its wayward son and Christian soldier, and raised him to their commander and chief. He owed them for this, and he remained diligent in this duty. Ultimately, his mixed heritage did not change the truth he had witnessed as a child. Wolves killed coyotes. Wolves preyed on those smaller and weaker then they were. They hated and brought ruin upon those who resorted to violence in order to survive.
     Thus was the way of the world, after all. The words brought a peculiar smile to Gabriel’s face; it was his father’s smile, half-mad and yet all too aware. Despite what he wished to think, there was much of that man in him. “Does it bother you I didn’t?” Without waiting for a response, he let out a short chuckle. “You’re peculiar, Bane, and that makes you interesting. I wanted to hear more of your story.” A trinity of charms clattered around his neck, but the sound was familiar and did not bother the doggish hybrid.


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